Sumayya Abukhalil.jpg


  • Brooke Owens Fellow, Class of 2017

  • Purdue University, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, '18

  • Host Institution: Bryce Space and Technology

  • Mentor: Kristin White

Amy graduated with a degree in Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University. Her love for space began while she was growing up on a little island in the Pacific called Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands. The vast skies speckled with what seemed like millions of stars were what ignited her curiosity in what lies beyond our world.

At Purdue, Amy was active around campus in both engineering and social clubs. She was a member of the Purdue chapter of AIAA and mentored her local FIRST Robotics FRC team, Team 4909. She was a freshman orientation leader for Purdue's Boiler Gold Rush and was the Vice President of Academic Development in the Phi Upsilon chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. She also studied abroad in Europe during her sophomore year with a former Purdue professor (current AIAA Executive Director) where she engaged with key leaders from NASA, the European Space Agency, Airbus Safran Launchers, and the French Space Agency to discuss the future of global space exploration efforts. During her undergraduate career, she had completed two internships with BAE Systems.

As a Brooke Owens Fellow, Amy worked at Bryce Space and Technology, where she worked on multiple different projects. She conducted an in-depth analysis and created an infographic of trends and market observations of the very small satellite market which ultimately was published as "Smallsats by the Numbers 2018". She also assisted in writing proposals for both government and commercial clients.

Currently, Amy lives in Los Angeles, CA working for Boeing as an Entry Level Satellite Systems Rotational Program Engineer.